- Legal : complying with all national and legislation and regulation
- Accounting: maintained adequate, reliable , truthful and accurate accounting records compliant with prescribe standards
- Competition: competing honestly and fairly without damaging the reputation of our competitors either directly or by implications.
- Confidentiality: maintaining the privacy of information relating to employees, clients and other interested third parties under the proper legislation.
- Conflict of interest: conducting business with highest standards of integrity and honesty and requiring company personnel, agents, and subcontractors.
- Gift/Hospitality/ Favors: accepting gifts, hospitality or favors which are legal, ethical and moistest value and which will not influence business decisions. Gifts, hospitality and favors will never be solicited by company or its personnel, agents and subcontractors. All spending on gifts and hospitality will be properly authorized and recorded.
- Respect: treating our personnel / agents/ subcontractors, clients and other third parties with dignity and respect at all times as well as carrying out our business activities with highest regard for the environment and local communities in which we operate.
- QRS pleases a strong emphasis on achieving a high ethical standard based on integrity, trust, and honestly, in all its business operations.
- Our ethical commitment: The general manager will monitor and review this policy on annual basis.